Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No More Excuses

I can't lie to myself anymore
I can't keep saying "I'll do better tomorrow"
I want to do better NOW

binged bascially every day for the last week
today I'll do better
I mean it
I'm too angry to eat

I got a letter from my school the other day
saying how far behind in work I am
and what they expect me to have done by the end of this week
funny thing is
I don't have half the work they want me to do
because they haven't sent the fucking stuff
hence why I'm angry
if they fail me on anything because of their fuck-up
I will be absolutely RAGING

oh well
anger is good for one thing
it makes me lose my appetite

1 comment:

  1. ugh, I'm sorry about your school situation but I'm glad you can turn around that anger and use it for something positive :)

    Feel better, hun!
