Tuesday, March 10, 2009


is a fucking god-send!
I did 2 hours worth of it yesterday off a DVD
and I am down from 48kg (105.8lbs) to 47.4kg (104.5)
in just one day!
I feel fucking great!
I've been stuck at around 48/106 for a while now...
great to break that stride :)
I had about 600cal yesterday
more than I wanted
but to lose that much...
I feel good!
I want to be below 47kg tomorrow - around 103lbs
and for once that much off in a day
actually feels achievable

fucking hell
mum brought home Hungry Jacks for dinner

nobody knows about my ED
I'm good at eating fuck all during the day so that when people are home I can eat 'normally'
ate the whole veggie burger (360cal) - was only going to eat half, but I just couldn't stop :(
and that took my grand total of cals today up over 700
fingers crossed
did my pilates again today
hope it works...


1 comment:

  1. Ooh. I have some Pilates and Yoga DVDs just collecting dust... so you find them motivating, even though it's just the TV? I stopped doing yoga last semester so I need to get back into it!

    Grats on the weight loss :)
