Thursday, June 11, 2009


things have got to change
I ate SHITLOADS yesterday
even when I felt sick, I kept eating
I'm going to start writing down what I eat and how many calories
just so I can seei
f I go over 800, I will punish myself
if I lose weight... well I guess it will be working, wont it?
maybe I'll treat myself when I reach a goal
if I thing I deserve it.
so I have decided that I'm going to blog every day now
and let you all know how I'm doing
I'll write my intake
and any exercise I do
and we'll go from there :)

another development...
my period is late
and I know for certain that its not stopped because I'm TOO THIN
because I'm nowhere near that
if I haven't got it by Sunday
I'm gonna do a preg. test
if it's positive, I don't know what I'm gonna do
my partner and I can barely afford to live at the moment as it is
maybe I'll have to drop school (distance education)
and get a job
and go back to school at a later date
oh well
we shall see
everything happens for a reason

today's intake:
- Cereal = 200
- Lentil Pattie = 133
- Cup of mixed veggies = 23
- Pumpkin and Spinach Lasagne = 400 (est)
TOTAL = 756

too close to my limit today... tomorrow will be better

anyone got any suggestions for what my punishment for going over 800cal should be?
also, if anyone wants to see body pics
let me know
I wanna know what you all think of me

love, hugs and thin vibes

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